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Astonishingly, the life of a criminal is not all that different from the average citizen. You have to get up in the morning, go out for work or school, and try not to get killed on your way home. In this blog post we're going to focus more on the getting killed part, but more specifically on how you can be murdered while being a criminal.In recent years it has been shown that people who happen to have high-paying jobs are likely to be murdered less often than those of us with low-paying gigs. The information was released by the FBI at the request of an individual from USA Today. According to their findings, CEOs were 18.5 times less likely to be killed than a blue-collar worker. But if you're a drug dealer, lawyer, or any other type of – mostly – legal – job that has you working closely with criminals – for instance, detectives – then chances are that you'll end up dead sooner or later. In fact, as per data from 2015 one in five murders was connected to organized crime. In total, organized crime-related murders accounted for more than 35 percent of all killings in the US last year. And now, as we have already said, our main focus is going to be on the killers. In particular, the most common motives for killing people in the business of crime. If you live your life as a criminal and want to stay safe, then it's very likely that you're going to have to buy a gun for protection at some point. And you're going to have to hide it from anyone who might break into your place and steal it. If that happens then you're pretty much screwed – or your gun is – because nowadays guns are not cheap. And chances are that whoever manages to find your hiding spot will carry off your weapon with them just for fun. For some reason people think that a weapon in a stranger's hand is a very good time. We understand that it might be hard to get through your place without someone noticing, but there are ways around it. One way would be to ask your roommates for help. In the article "7 Weird Ways We Hide Things From Roomies" we suggest some weird and creative hiding spots, including hooking up microwaves and water heaters to an electrical outlet that you can control from another room. People might not help you out if they know that you're a criminal… but did you really expect them to? Alternatively, you could buy the one thing every criminal lives for: a bullet-proof vest. Yes, this piece of armor might seem a little bit expensive, but after all, it's going to save your life. And it's not just going to protect you from bullets. There are also stab-proof vests that could mean the difference between living and bleeding out in a hospital waiting room. In the article "Bulletproof Vs Stab Proof: What To Look For When Buying Body Armor" we discuss the main differences between vests that will protect you from bullets and those that will shield you from knives. Bulletproof vests are usually made of Kevlar or Kevlar/aramid blends, which is why they're capable of stopping 9mm bullets. cfa1e77820

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